JBerczel's Notes on learning Web Development

Hartl's Rails Tutorial - Solutions for Ch 9 Exercises

My solutions for Michael Hartl’s Rails tutorial, Ch. 9 exercises. I found a lot of help on StackOverflow, which I recommend if you’re looking for detailed-explanations, discussion, or different ways to complete some of these exercises.

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Members Only Walkthrough

Estimated Time: 3 hours

Course: Ruby on Rails » Forms and Authentication » Project: Authentication


In this project, you’ll be building an exclusive clubhouse where your members can write embarrassing posts about non-members. Inside the clubhouse, members can see who the author of a post is but, outside, they can only see the story and wonder who wrote it.

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Bare Metal Forms and Helpers Walkthrough

Estimated time: 2-3 hours

Course: Ruby on Rails » Forms and Authentication » Project: Forms


These projects will give you a chance to actually build some forms, both using nearly-pure HTML and then graduating to using the helper methods that Rails provides.

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6 Reasons I Like the Odin Curriculum

After returning from my 2013 Appalachian trail (AT) thru-hike, I began re-learning web development, and in the process, stumbled upon the Odin curriculum.

Previously, I had studied web app development for several months at Udacity. When I returned from my 5-month hike, I had forgotten a lot of the detail. I needed a refresher, and thankfully, I found the Odin Project. Here are the 6 reasons I am now learning with the Odin curriculum.

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Micro-Reddit walkthrough

Estimated Time: 1 hr

Course: Ruby on Rails » Databases and Active Record » Project: Building With Active Record


Let’s build Reddit. Well, maybe a very junior version of it called micro-reddit. In this project, you’ll build the data structures necessary to support link submissions and commenting. We won’t build a front end for it because we don’t need to… you can use the Rails console to play around with models without the overhead of making HTTP requests and involving controllers or views.

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